Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tapping into my fun skills :)

Yesterday I got that dreaded know the one, from one of the counselors in the bishopric. The one where you know there is a calling in your future. Now I don't mind having a job in the ward, but the not knowing what they are going to ask you to do...especially when you are relatively new the the ward and no one really knows you that well. So needless to say I was nervous. But there was no real need for nervousness. I was called to be on the activities committee. It really serves me right, given that I have been pretty critical of the lack of any activities in the ward at all. But I am gearing up to bring some much needed fun into this old timer's ward. :) Wish me luck! :)


Trisha said...

Good Luck! Congratulations! You will have a blast, a perfect way to get to know people!

Melanie said...

Good luck! The only way I used to go to activities was when I (or a roommate) was on the committee. It is good for you -most of the time.

Cindy said...

We always played balloon bop with the old folks at the nursing home when I was on my mission, lol ;) Then the old folks wouldn't even have to get out of their wheelchairs. If you need any ideas...

Buffy said...

LOL...balloon bop, eh? That is hysterical!

The MacQueens said...

You are perfect for the job!! Good luck & have fun!