Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If I were born into the Palin family...

So I was listening to one of my favorite radio stations the other morning on my way to work. They were talking about the interesting names Sarah Palin's children have. There is a website that will generate what your name might be if you were born into the Palin family. I tried various combinations of my name and here are my results:

Name entered -------Name generated

Carla MacQueen -------"Rope Hoover Palin"
Buffy MacQueen -------"Trough Gutted Palin"
Buffy ------------------"Bow NATO Palin"
Carla ------------------"Stockyard Mudslide Palin"

I think I like Stockyard Mudslide best!

If you wanna try out yours here is the link.....have fun!!


Trisha said...

I am thinking I like your given names a bit better. All of which are much more flattering! And ladylike! My name would be Taupe Armegeddon, thats lovely...really it is. Nothing says Trisha like the end of the world.

Emily said...

OMG! that palin namer is HILARIOUS! Thanks for the link! I totally dug it!

see ya at book club?