Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine Surprise!

I just wanted to shout from the rooftops what a great supportive loving family that I have!!!!! Valentine's Day can be pretty depressing for a single girl, and I think can be even more so when you are divorced and you thought you had your Valentine, but find out that you don't. I was in pretty good spirits this year, however. Things were looking up. My infected cyst is healing really nicely and is not nearly as painful as it has been. I recieved some really sweet ecards from my mom and some nice Valentine's Day wishes from other members of my family and was invited to come to a movie with my mom, and 2 of my sisters. It was just a really nice day. But there was one thing that just made my year so far!
My sister-in-law, Laura, emailed me to ask what my plans were, because she said they had a little Valentine's Day gift they wanted to give me and they didn't know when they would be down my direction. I told them about my movie plans and that I would be in their neck of the woods for that. So we made plans to meet at my mom's house. Well, I thought it was very sweet that she would get me a gift and in all honesty I just thought it would be a little treat or something that they would have just picked up at the store for the kids to give to me. Boy! was I surprised! When I got there, Peyton, my nephew gave me the sweetest little "brag book"! It holds pictures of Dan & Laura's kids and me with them. It is one of the most precious things I think I have ever received....certainly the best Valentine I have ever received! I can't thank them enough! It made me feel so loved and special! I hope they have some idea how much I treasure it and am so grateful to have them in my life! Below are pictures of the book cuz I just needed to "brag"! :)


Melanie said...

Cute! That's an awesome little book.

Laura said...

I'm glad you love the book. We love you!

Kofa High Sports Medicine said...

that is such a good valentine!

Emily said...

what GREAT family you have! a great gift!!!