Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My date with Twilight

As many of you know, Emily, my friend, and I threw a Twilight DVD release party! It was soooo much fun! We had all kinds of silly fun! Had a pot luck dinner full of Twilight cuisine as seen below:

The menu consisted of:
Marble White Ice Cream
Vegetarian Pizza
Cooked Flesh (fried chicken)
Harry Clearwater's fish fry (w/catfish)
Venison Fajita's with red "Bella" Red Peppers
Vampire Blood Punch
And lovely fondue - 1 Strawberry, 1 Chocolate!
We did a fabulous job of decorating Emily's living room...true twilight style! :)
Due to Emily's genius, we created a photo booth to take photos...some of our own apple pics as seen below.
These are just a sampling, but I thought that the hostesses of the party should be featured here. :)
Then we did some lovely pictures with Edward. :)
Not my best side, but oh well! Again this is just a sampling, but Natalie was the lovely friend that introduced me to the love world of Twilight...so I think it fitting that she get a feature in this blog as well! Thanks Natalie!!!
There were, of course, a few out of control moments! I just love my fellow Twilighters!!!

And finally, here is the group shot of us all! Thanks ladies for a completely fantabulous night!!!! Y'all are all da bomb! :) Can't wait for part II in New Moon!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Buffy and Edward FOREVER!!

My friend at work have been counting down to the Twilight DVD release. The last couple of days she has been sending me these Twilight emails, with movie trailers and lines and todaythe below picture! Isn't it sooo awesome!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Twilight Humor

A friend of mine sent me this cartoon and I just cracked up! I totally loved it and thought it needed sharing!!! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy Songs

So I have been reminded over the past few days the power of music in my life. I have had a bad couple of weeks. I had surgery on my wrist and while it went pretty well, it has been pretty painful especially since it was my right wrist and I am severly right handed so I have been pretty dang disabled. Well I have become pretty impatient and depressed throughout this healing process. and to take a phrase from my nephew Jacob, "I am done with this injury! SO DONE!!

Now keep in mind that this statement could be applied to a mutitude of other issues over the last little while as well, but we won't get into all of that. Today as I have been working and listening to my itunes one of my favorite Michael Buble' songs came on and suddenly my mood improved. Now this doesn't always work, but for whatever reason it worked today! So I thought I would share today's happy song with you all. Here is a nice live performace of "Everything" by Michael Buble! THANK HEAVENS FOR HAPPY SONGS!!! Enjoy!